Here for you each step of the way
I love providing support prenatally and postnatally to parents, meeting them exactly where they are with no pressure and no judgement - be it exclusive breast/chest feeding, combination of breast/chest feeding and bottle feeding (expressed milk and/or formula), or exclusively pumping. Please look at the services I provide and choose which is right for you.
Please note that all payments made via credit card, debit card, or on a flexible spending account card will incur an additional cost. The additional cost will be the transaction fee set by the credit card processor.

Lactation and Breastfeeding:
The Top 5 Things to Know:
A 3-part Educational Experience
If you are curious about what breastfeeding looks like or means, Lactation and Breastfeeding: The Top 5 Things to Know, will educate and empower you about what to expect and how to navigate through your journey. Taking this series in your third trimester (any time after 27 weeks) is recommended.
You have the option of joining me LIVE for the classes. The three parts are offered once monthly. Registration for LIVE classes closes 24 hours prior to anticipated event date and time.
You can also opt to rent the classes for a full year of access to the course content. You can view the class(es) you rent for the entire year, as many times as you would like and then join me for a Q&A session to answer up to three questions about the course content.

Ways to take the course
and opportunities to bundle
and SAVE!
You can pick and choose the parts that interest you or to take all three parts for a comprehensive experience AND save.
Each separate part is $50:
Part 1: Connection, Commitment & Intro to Milk Production
Part 2: Milk Production Continued & Latch
Part 3: Positioning & Support
Bundle and SAVE $25 by purchasing the comprehensive FULL Course Package (all three parts) for $125​
* Note that documentation will be provided to use to file for possible reimbursement from your insurance company.*


Prenatal On-Demand Class &
Postnatal In-Home Visit Bundle
Many parents spend time preparing for the arrival of their little one, decorating the nursery, making sure every item is on the registry, checking the car seat installation, and/or taking a birth-education class. Few take moments to truly consider spending time investing in learning about breastfeeding/human milk production BEFORE their little one arrives. Providing milk for your baby can last upwards of six months to a year and beyond. Good preparation can help avoid difficult situations and make the journey smoother and more enjoyable for all.
I created this package to provide the continuity of education and care that is at the heart of preparing for and having the best possible chance at a fulfilling, smooth breastfeeding/chest-feeding experience with your baby. If you plan to or hope to provide human milk to your baby, this package is the perfect piece to your preparation puzzle.
What's included?
One year of on-demand access to all THREE parts of Lactation and Breastfeeding: The Top 5 Things to Know at a 50% discount - $75
Attendance to 1 live, virtual group Q&A session with me, offered monthly from 6:30-7:30 pm (1-hour long) or 1 email with an allowable max of 3 questions
One postnatal initial, in-home visit* - $325
$400 (savings of $75)
Please complete this form so we can reach out to you regarding the best prenatal options for you.
*In-home visits are only available to those located within a 20-mile traveling radius from 618 Veldran Ave, Oradell, NJ 07649. Note that travel fees for certain areas may apply and may add to the total cost - will be paid at the conclusion of the initial postnatal visit*

In-home & Virtual
Prenatal Consults
2-hour Prenatal Preparation Visit:
Review of complete health, pre-pregnancy and prenatal history for the breastfeeding parent
Breast exam
The benefits of breastfeeding
Practices and techniques to support breastfeeding
General understanding of breast milk production fundamentals
Overview of latch and positioning fundamentals
General information about breast pumps and pumping breasts, as well as how to safely use, store and transport breastmilk
Common breastfeeding challenges and overview of how to manage them
Breastfeeding support and resources
In-home Prenatal Breastfeeding Consult (2 hours) $175
Virtual Prenatal Breastfeeding Consult (2 hours) $150
**Travel fees may apply to certain towns.**
Please note that the travel fee is non-reimbursable through
insurance and will be collected at the conclusion of the consultation.
All travel fees will be determined with the starting point of
618 Veldran Ave, Oradell, NJ 07649 to your town,
not specific address.
Towns that are located:
within 10 miles of 618 Veldran Ave will NOT have a travel fee applied.
10.1 to 15 miles from 618 Veldran Ave will have a $25 travel fee applied.
15.1 to 20 miles from 618 Veldran Ave will have a $50 travel fee applied.
I am an in-network provider with Aetna & UnitedHealthcare.
Most Aetna & UnitedHealthcare plans cover multiple visits.
Call your carrier to discover your level of coverage.
Out-of-Network clients, payment options include: cash, check, credit, debit, Venmo, and Zelle.
Please call your health insurance company to inquire about possible
The Breastfeeding Toolkit, developed by the National Women's Law Center, has a helpful script to use on page 8 of the Toolkit.
Documentation will be provided for out-of-network claims.


In-home Visits
In-home & Virtual
Postnatal Consultations
Initial 2-hour Visit includes:
Review of complete health, birth and postpartum history for the breastfeeding parent and infant
An infant weight check, pre and post feeding
Observation and assessment of the feeding at breast and/or by bottle dependent on your desired feeding method
Discussion and creation of a care plan in support of your breastfeeding goals
Observation and assessment of a pumping session if applicable
Access via telephone, text, and/or email for one week post consultation
Twins and other multiples $50 + Consult Fee
Virtual visits are over a secure platform (Spruce App)
Initial In-home Postnatal Visit (2 hours) $325
Follow-up In-home Postnatal Visit (1 hour) $275
Initial Virtual Postnatal Visit (2 hours) $300
Follow-up Virtual Postnatal Visit (1 hour) $250
**Travel fees may apply to certain towns.**
Please note that the travel fee is non-reimbursable through
insurance and will be collected at the conclusion of the consultation.
All travel fees will be determined with the starting point of
618 Veldran Ave, Oradell, NJ 07649 to your town,
not specific address.
Towns that are located:
within 10 miles of 618 Veldran Ave will NOT have a travel fee applied.
10.1 to 15 miles from 618 Veldran Ave will have a $25 travel fee applied.
15.1 to 20 miles from 618 Veldran Ave will have a $50 travel fee applied.
I am an in-network provider with Aetna & UnitedHealthcare.
Most Aetna & UnitedHealthcare plans cover multiple visits.
Call your carrier to discover your level of coverage.
Out-of-Network clients, payment options include: payment options include: cash, check, credit, debit, Venmo, and Zelle.
Please call your health insurance company to inquire about possible
The Breastfeeding Toolkit, developed by the National Women's Law Center, has a helpful script to use on page 8 of the Toolkit.
Documentation will be provided for out-of-network claims.

In-home & Virtual
Back-to-Work Consultations
2-hour Back-to-Work Preparation Visit for parents who desire to continue their breastfeeding/chest-feeding journey as they return to work, especially for those who work outside of their home:
​Understanding of your breastfeeding rights at work
Assistance and support with with your transition back into the workplace
Creation of a plan that will support the maintenance of you milk supply
Help with setting up, caring for and using your breast pump
Information regarding how to safely store and transport your breast milk
This visit does not cover breastfeeding assessment and assistance
Return-to-Work In-home Consult (2 hours) $250
Virtual Return-to-Work Consult (2 hours) $200
**Travel fees may apply to certain towns.**
Please note that the travel fee is non-reimbursable through
insurance and will be collected at the conclusion of the consultation.
All travel fees will be determined with the starting point of
618 Veldran Ave, Oradell, NJ 07649 to your town,
not specific address.
Towns that are located:
within 10 miles of 618 Veldran Ave will NOT have a travel fee applied.
10.1 to 15 miles from 618 Veldran Ave will have a $25 travel fee applied.
15.1 to 20 miles from 618 Veldran Ave will have a $50 travel fee applied.
I am an in-network provider with Aetna & UnitedHealthcare.
Most Aetna & UnitedHealthcare plans cover multiple visits.
Call your carrier to discover your level of coverage.
Out-of-Network clients, payment options include: payment options include: cash, check, credit, debit, Venmo, and Zelle.
Please call your health insurance company to inquire about possible
The Breastfeeding Toolkit, developed by the National Women's Law Center, has a helpful script to use on page 8 of the Toolkit.
Documentation will be provided for out-of-network claims.


In-home Visits
In-home & Virtual
Weaning Consultations
2-hour Weaning Visit is designed to meet you where you are along your feeding journey. To provide the space, in company of a seasoned IBCLC , to explore your weaning options to find the right approach for you and your little one(s). Weaning visits can focus on weaning from the breast/chest completely, weaning from night feedings, and/or weaning from pumping.
Initial 2-hour Visit includes:
Review of complete health, birth and postpartum history for the breast/chest-feeding parent and infant
The opportunity to discuss your goals and ways in which you hope to approach the weaning process with your child
Observations of your current feeding situation, if necessary
Exploring the different options to approach your weaning goal with scientific-backed information and the pros and cons of each approach
In partnership with you, create a care plan to help you start working towards your weaning goals
A copy of the notes about our discussion so that you will have it at your fingertips
Access via telephone, text, and/or email for one week post consultation
Virtual visits are over a secure platform (Spruce App)
In-home Weaning Visit (2 hours) $250
Virtual Weaning Visit (2 hours) $200
**Travel fees may apply to certain towns.**
Please note that the travel fee is non-reimbursable through
insurance and will be collected at the conclusion of the consultation.
All travel fees will be determined with the starting point of
618 Veldran Ave, Oradell, NJ 07649 to your town,
not specific address.
Towns that are located:
within 10 miles of 618 Veldran Ave will NOT have a travel fee applied.
10.1 to 15 miles from 618 Veldran Ave will have a $25 travel fee applied.
15.1 to 20 miles from 618 Veldran Ave will have a $50 travel fee applied.
I am an in-network provider with Aetna & UnitedHealthcare.
Most Aetna & UnitedHealthcare plans cover multiple visits.
Call your carrier to discover your level of coverage.
Out-of-Network clients, payment options include: payment options include: cash, check, credit, debit, Venmo, and Zelle.
Please call your health insurance company to inquire about possible
The Breastfeeding Toolkit, developed by the National Women's Law Center, has a helpful script to use on page 8 of the Toolkit.
Documentation will be provided for out-of-network claims.